Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Portrait of my wife

Here is one of the first portraits I have ever done. I did this portrait of my wife back in high school for our first anniversary of dating. I would love to redo this someday and spend more time on proper skin tones and shading.

Crazy Painting

This is a random painting i did in photoshop back in highschool. I don't know why, but something about it has stuck with me. I was quite proud of how it turned out. I would like very much to do a 3D project themed on it.

Mighty Muggs Texture

This is the first texturing job i've ever really felt proud of, It was for DAGD 335. The model was done by my instructor, Cory Heald.


This is one of the first characters I ever made. The model was created for DAGD 230. This was done before i learned how to texture well. The modelling is not bad but overall I would like to redo it sometime.